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Weaving OpenAI ChatGPT into my day-to-day

Disclaimer: This post has some techie buzzwords.

I bet your social feeds are feeling a lot like mine lately. It’s AI this and AI that. Automate your life with AI. The skit from South Park comes to mind.

Every chance I get, I’ve been trying to use AI. The headlines made it impossible to ignore. It’s not just a fad and it is here to stay. There are a number of ways to leverage it in your day-to-day. It has helped me with tasks that rely heavily on content.

A large percentage of my work can be done with AI. I don’t deny what it’s capable of and how will change how the world gets work done. I am in the camp of embracing what it’s capable of doing.

I recently started to pursue my interest in creating a personal brand with content. The most recent topics I’ve been studying are (but are not limited to): story branding, marketing, sales, copywriting, podcasts, and business.

Hell, I even took a workshop on creating your newsletter in 5 days (if you’re curious, ask me how that’s going in a few weeks).

So back to ChatGPT and how we can leverage it to improve our day-to-day.

All of this can be accomplished with the right prompts:

  • Learning to write
  • Chatbots
  • Create instructional articles
  • Create FAQ articles
  • Create website templates
  • Creating Labels for Machine Learning Models
  • Generate code
  • Write books
  • Create lesson plan
  • Create a study guide
  • Create a workout routine
  • Create weekly and daily meal plans
  • Create grocery shopping lists
  • Extract information
  • Parse the code and explain it back to you
  • Suggest feedback and improvements in your content
  • ..

This list could go on. I’m not even scratching the surface.

Recently, my favorite has been to role-play with ChatGPT. I provide it with personas, scenarios, and goals. I have conversations with ChatGPT

As I discover more use cases that support my day-to-day, I’ll be keeping a journal of my wins below.

Recent Wins with ChatGPT

Client Email

My team recently collaborated on a client email. There are mixed thoughts, feelings, and emotions about how it should be handled. It was a healthy conversation. To speed things up, I provided thoughts as prompts to ChatGPT with the latest version of the client email. With mild tweaks recommended by our CEO, it was good enough to send.

Creating Actionable Tasks from API Documentation

One of my projects at work has required automation. A byproduct of my work has been getting intimately familiar with other systems that I would otherwise not be involved with. As I peel back the onion one layer at a time with this system, it became evident the entire team would benefit from automation.

After-sales and customer onboarding, our clients are handed off to our integration specialist. This is an oversimplification of what he does, but I’m going to say it anyway. He enables our system to communicate with client systems. We receive documentation about how this communication takes place. Thankfully, a lot of our customers use SaaS products that generate API documentation. It takes away guesswork, and we usually troubleshoot those integrations faster. Occasionally, we receive documentation for a proprietary system. No matter what, at the end of the day, it’s an API document that enables our systems to talk.

The ah-ha moment came to me while toying around with ChatGPT. I asked the AI to read the API documentation and provide information back to me in various formats so our team can build automation around it. If we can get the information in a consistent format for this automation, it saves us time.

Code Reviews

I started coding an open source project The project started in TypeScript. I have used ChatGPT to code review and give me tips on how I can improve. It has helped me refine my interfaces, reduce duplicate code blocks, simplify logic, and reorganize React components.



